
luni, 14 mai 2012

Euro at 3-Month Low as Greece May Leave Eurozone

The euro fell today, reaching the lowest level in more than three months against the US dollar, as speculation that Greece may leave the eurozone drove away investors from the shared 17-nation currency.
Greece is still unable to form a coalition government after a week of talks and negotiating. Even if the a government would be formed, the country may still leave the currency union as the Hellenic Republic is reluctant to implement austerity measures that are very unpopular among Greeks. Experts say that in the long term an exit of Greece from the eurozone may benefit both the country and the euro, but in the short term an impact could be very negative.
EUR/USD fell from 1.2901 to 1.2866 as of 8:50 GMT today, while the intraday minimum of 1.2860 was the lowest since January 23. EUR/JPY was down from 103.17 to 103.04.
If you have any questions, comments or opinions regarding the Euro, feel free to post them using the commentary form below.

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